the vegan byte isn’t your average recipe site—it’s an ai-assisted recipes site!
all of the ai-assisted recipes are vegan and oil-free (in other words, whole-food, plant-based). we create using a variety of ai tools, but they’re tested and edited by a real human before they get posted.
plus, we only post the best of the best – so you can be sure that anything you find and cook on the vegan byte is going to be great.
what about the images?

humans have expectations of the food they are about to eat.
ai can generate images of what a dish should look like, but nothing compares to how the food looks when it is actually ready to be served and devoured.
that’s why each recipe on our site also includes a real finished food image.
comparing the two creates an interesting experiment between expectations and reality!
the humans behind the site

there are two real people behind the vegan byte who both have been plant-based eaters for more than five years.
one of us also has more than 10 years in the restaurant industry as a cook and a server, so we feel like we really know what people like and what it takes to make good food that just happens to be vegan.
we love to cook for ourselves and for friends, so we put our skills to work creating delicious vegan recipes—and now we’re doing it with the help of artificial intelligence. How cool is that?
Our goal is to use AI to make plant-based cooking easier and more accessible for everyone. we believe vegan food should be delicious, nutritious, and easy to prepare. so let’s get cooking!
thanks for following along!
if you want delicious vegan recipes with stunning visuals, the vegan byte has got you covered.
follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on new recipes.
we’re also open to suggestions and feedback, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any thoughts on our ai-assisted recipes!
we look forward to hearing from you.